Cha Cha Cha Cafe & Grill Degrades its Sanitary Rating
1120 15th St
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food thawed in standing water. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Corrected On Site. BEEF OVER CUT FRUITS.
Critical - Observed employee improperly washing hands. NO SOAP AT KITCHEN HANDSINK .
Critical - Handwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory.
Critical - Hood suppression system tag out-of-date. For reporting purposes only. JANUARY 2010.
No copy of latest inspection report.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. CHICKEN FILLET (CONTAINER) (56F). Corrected On Site.
Observed in-use utensil not stored in clean water at or above 135 degrees Fahrenheit. WATER AT 89F.
Critical - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. BLOCKED WITH COOKING WARE. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. HOLDING UTENSILS (COOKWARE). Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed misrepresentation of a fruit or fruit juice. SWAI /BAZA/PANGA (PANGASIUS) ADVERTISED AS SEA BASS FILET ON MENU DAILY BOARD. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit/during preparation. SEE ORDER STORAGE (DRAWING).
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Corrected On Site. TILAPIA FISH OVER VEGETABLES .
Observed nonfood-grade containers used for food storage. BLACK LINERS (BAGS) WITH BREADS INSIDE.
Critical - Observed employee engage in food preparation, handle clean equipment or utensils, or touch unwrapped single-service items, without washing hands. BLOCKED HAND SINK.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Observed handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. UTENSILS OVER IT.