Chopsticks Oriental Food Improves its Sanitary Rating
1812 FL-77
Lynn Haven, FL 32444
Basic - Food not stored at least 6 inches off of the floor sauce in prep area.
Basic - Rice stored in dry storage area not covered **Corrected On-Site**
Intermediate - Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine.susan wiped down machine. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Employee eating in a food preparation or other restricted area.
Basic - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food thawed at room temperature. Observed raw chicken in sink **Corrective Action Taken** **Repeat Violation**
High Priority - Raw meat/poultry cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Sliced beef 45° F,
High Priority - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse.
Basic - Case/container/bag of food stored on floor: soy sauce bucket and large pan. **Repeat Violation**
Basic - Employee beverage container in a food preparation/clean dishware area does not have a lid and a straw or equivalent dispensing mechanism to prevent hand contact with lip contact area of drink container. On prep line. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Frozen potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food being slacked at room temperature is no longer frozen solid. Egg rolls on kitchen counter. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - In-use utensil in nonpotentially hazardous (non-time/temperature control for safety) food not stored with handle above top of food within a closed container. Rice scoop in rice container. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food thawed at room temperature.raw beef and raw chicken thawing in sink. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. **Repeat Violation**
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Raw fish over ready to eat celery. **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other during preparation based upon minimum required cooking temperature. Raw chicken over raw beef in the same sink.
No Violations Were Observed
Basic - Food stored on floor. Observed cooking oil on the floor. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Wet mop not stored in a manner to allow the mop to dry.
Basic - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name.salt container on cook line.
Intermediate - Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine.
Basic - Employee wearing jewelry other than a plain ring on their hands/arms while preparing food. Employee wearing bracelet. **Warning**
High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from one another based upon minimum required cooking temperature in reach-in cooler. Raw chicken over raw beef. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
Intermediate - No certified food manager for establishment. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at **Warning**
Basic - Clean equipment/utensils not stored at least 6 inches above the floor. Knives. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
Basic - Drain plug in disrepair on dumpster. **Warning**
Basic - Floors not maintained smooth and durable. Walk-in cooler. **Warning**
Basic - Lights in food preparation, food storage or warewashing area missing the proper shield, sleeve coatings or covers. Small hood **Warning**
High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before changing gloves and/or putting on gloves to work with food. **Warning**
High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from one another based upon minimum required cooking temperature in reach-in cooler. Raw chicken over raw beef. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from one another based upon minimum required cooking temperature in walk-in freezer - all products not commercially packaged. Raw chicken over pork egg rolls. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
Basic - Dumpster rusted out on bottom and leaking .
Basic - Floors not maintained smooth and durable. Walk in freezer
Basic - Garbage on the ground and/or pad around dumpster.
High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food identified in the written procedure as a food held using time as a public health control has no time marking . Cut cabbage , bamboo shoots , fried chicken pieces . **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from one another based upon minimum required cooking temperature in walk-in freezer - all products not commercially packaged. Raw unwrapped beef over noodle and pollock .
Intermediate - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Condensation or other drainage not disposed of according to law; water draining on ground in back of establishment . **Warning**
Basic - Dumpster in poor repair and leaking . **Warning**
Basic - Grease on the ground by the dumpster . **Warning**
Basic - Reuse of single-use article . **Warning**
Basic - Uncovered rice in dry storage area . **Warning**
Basic - Wall soiled with accumulated grease. **Warning**
High Priority - Live, small flying insects in food preparation area. **Warning**
Basic - Condensation or other drainage not disposed of according to law; water draining on ground in back of establishment . **Warning**
Basic - Dumpster in poor repair and leaking . **Warning**
Basic - Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation. **Warning**
Basic - Grease on the ground by the dumpster . **Warning**
Basic - Reuse of single-use article . **Warning**
Basic - Uncovered rice in dry storage area . **Warning**
Basic - Wall soiled with accumulated grease. **Warning**
High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before putting on gloves to work with food. **Warning**
High Priority - Live, small flying insects in food preparation area. **Warning**
High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Cut cabbage at 47° F for less than 1 hour . **Warning**
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Raw chicken over cooked lo mein noodles in reach in cooler . **Warning**
High Priority - Raw meat/poultry cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Chicken in Prep sink at 44° F for less than 1 hour . **Warning**
Intermediate - No written procedures available for use of time as a public health control to hold potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) for eggs or batter mix . Both have been out for less than 1 hour . **Warning**
Basic - Employee beverage container in a food preparation/clean dishware area does not have a lid and a straw or equivalent dispensing mechanism to prevent hand contact with lip contact area of drink container. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Uncovered food stored near sink exposed to splash. Cut cabbage **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before putting on gloves to work with food.
High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Bamboo shoots 57° f , cut cabbage 64° F, water chestnuts 64° F, placed on counter at 11:00 , manager added ice . Bamboo, water chestnuts , and cabbage now at 41° F. **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Chicken over noodles in reach in cooler .
Basic - Employee beverage container in a food preparation/clean dishware area does not have a lid and a straw or equivalent dispensing mechanism to prevent hand contact with lip contact area of drink container.
Basic - Lights in food preparation, food storage or warewashing area missing the proper shield, sleeve coatings or covers. Under hood vent by prep area .
High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Bamboo shoots 47° F, canned mushrooms 53°. rehydrated mushrooms 53° F, cut cabbage 50° F, items out for less than 4 hours . Manager added ice . **Repeat Violation**
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Chicken over lo mein noodles .
Basic - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. Corn starch and sugar container **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Live flies in kitchen.
High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Cut cabbage 75° f , bamboo shoots 67°, canned mushrooms 67°, manager put in ice bath . **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Single-use gloves not changed as needed after changing tasks or when damaged or soiled.
Basic - Case/container/bag of food stored on floor in kitchen. Soy sauce.
Basic - Case/container/bag of food stored on floor in walk-in cooler/freezer. Bags of lettuce mix.
High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before putting on new set of gloves to work with food. **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Employee rubbed hands together for less than 10-15 seconds while washing hands. **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Designated employee eating/drinking/smoking area located in a food preparation or other restricted area causing possible cross contamination. Personal employee food mixed with food for customer service.
Basic - Employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils.
Basic - Old labels stuck to food containers after cleaning.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed lomein pasta in kitchen at 53 degrees. Was taken out of cooler 10:00. 3 hours to cool back down.
Critical - Observed Rice Noodles stored on floor by ice machine.Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed hand wash sink used for purpose other than washing hands. Observed ice dumped into handsink, kitchen. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed employee applying gloves without washing hands. Corrected On Site.
Observed nonfood-grade containers used for food storage. Observed to go bags used for fod storage of ready to eat cabbage mixture in walk in freezer.
Critical - Observed buildup black mildew like substance in the interior of ice machine.
Critical - Observed sanitizing solution exceeding the maximum concentration allowed. Observed three compartment sink sanitizer at above 200ppm. Corrected On Site. 100ppm
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food being thawed at room temperature. Beef Corrected On Site. Placed in cooler. Still frozen.
Critical - Observed 5 gallon bucket of soy sauce stored on floor in kitchen. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 5/13/11, 9/14/11.
Observed cardboard box used as garbage container behind front counter.
Critical - Observed grease lightning stored by clean pans in kitchen. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Potentially hazardous food not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Observed chicken at 120 degrees fahrenhiet in hot box. Temperature turned up on box. Will reheat.Repeat Violation, 5/13/11.
Critical - Observed food being cooled by nonapproved method. Lomein pasta being cooled covered. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed food being cooled by nonapproved method. Observed rice noodles, ribs, chicken being cooled with lids on foods. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed food being cooled by nonapproved method. Observed lid on roast pork in walk in freezer at 74 degrees. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Shrimp over cooked cheese wonton in reach in cooler. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Shrimp over bean sprouts in reach in cooler. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed vegetable oil and egg rolls stored on floor in kitchen. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 5/13/11.
Critical - Observed 5 gallons bucket of soy sauce stored on floor in kitchen. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 5/13/11
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage area. Cooked pork Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed employee eating in a food preparation or other restricted area. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 2/21/11, 5/13/11.
Observed employees with no hair restraint in kitchen cooking, food production. Repeat Violation, 5/13/11.
Observed nonfood-grade containers used for food storage in reach in cooler. Repeat Violation, 5/13/11.
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener. Corrected On Site.
Clean utensils; rice spoons and utensils, not stored inverted or in a protected manner. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 5/13/11
Critical - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous food due to temperature abuse (see Stop Sale Notice). Repeat Violation, 2/21/11.
Critical - Observed ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on-site and frozen not properly date marked. Sliced Cabbage and vegetables. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. Pork in reach in cooler. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed minced garlic in dry storage that was labeled refrigerate after opening at 68 degrees fahrenhiet. Stop Sale issued.Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 2/21/11.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed hoisen sauce, labeled refrigerate after opening in dry storage at 67 degrees fahrenhiet. Stop Sale issued. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 2/21/11.
Critical - Observed hot potentially hazardous food received at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed rice being cooked in rice cooker and then removed and soy sauce added and mixed into rice lowering temperature and then its being placed on steamwell in dining room. Observed rice on steamwell at 125 degrees and in preparation after cooked at 116 degrees fahrenhiet.Corrected On Site.
Critical - Cooked potentially hazardous food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit within 2 hours. Observed beef in reach in cooler at 81 degrees fahrenhiet in a sealed tight to go bag cooked off this morning at 8:30 a.m. and its now 10:30 a.m. Food put in a ice bath and temperature retook 15 minutes later and observed at 63 degrees fahrenhiet. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 2/21/11.
Critical - Observed broccoli stored on floor in kitchen. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed sesame sauce stored on floor in kitchen. Corrected On Site.
In-use utensil in nonpotentially hazardous food not stored with handle above top of food within a closed container. Bulk Cornstarch. Repeat Violation, 2/21/11.
Critical - Observed employee eating in food preparation area and failed to wash hands before putting on gloves. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 2/21/11.
Critical - Observed employee eating in a food preparation or other restricted area. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation, 2/21/11.
Observed employee with ineffective hair restraint. Corrected On Site.
Observed nonfood-grade to go bag used as cover for food storage and as a food storage container. Also observed food stored in to go bags in freezer. Corrected On Site.
Observed nonfood-grade containers used for food storage, bulk flour and cornstarch.Repeat Violation, 2/21/11.
Cleaned and sanitized equipment, utensils, not properly stored. Rice spoons and utensils not stored so that only the handles are touched. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Vacuum breaker mising at hose bibb at preparation sink in kitchen.
Floors not maintained smooth and durable, easily cleanable in kitchen area.
Observed hole in wall, missing wall tiles underneath three compartment sink.
Critical - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous food due to temperature abuse (see Stop Sale Notice).
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. Pork in reach in cooler. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. Bulk Rice.Repeat Violation, 11/1/10.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed shells eggs on cart at 82 degrees fahrenhiet. Out for 7 hours 15 minutes.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed garlic at 73 degrees fahrenhiet in dry storage. Not kept refrigerated.
Critical - Cooked meats or poultry not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Observed cooked chicken at 103 degrees fahrenhiet in hot box.
Critical - Cooked meats or poultry not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Observed cooked chicken at 107 degrees fahrenhiet in hot box. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Cooked meats or poultry not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Observed cooked chicken at 119 degrees fahrenhiet in hot box. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Cooked potentially hazardous food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit within 2 hours. Observed cooked chicken in reach in cooler at 67 degrees fahrenhiet after cooked at 11:00 a.m. and it's now 3:40 p.m. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food thawed in an improper manner. Cooked cabbage thawed in hot water. Observed at 70 degrees fahrenhiet. Repeat Violation, 11/1/09.
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage area. Wonton's in reach in cooler. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed improper use of bowl/plastic food container or other container with no handle used to dispense food that is not ready-to-eat. Styrofoam bowl to scoop sugar. Corrected On Site.
In-use utensil in nonpotentially hazardous food not stored with handle above top of food within a closed container. Scoop in corn starch, observed handle burried. Corrected On Site.
In-use utensil in nonpotentially hazardous food not stored with handle above top of food within a closed container. Bulk rice
Observed ice scoop with handle in contact with ice. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed food employee (cook, dishwasher, wait staff, etc.) washing hands in a sink other than an approved hand wash sink. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed employee handling soiled equipment or utensils then engage in food preparation, handle clean equipment or utensils, or touch unwrapped single-service items, without washing hands. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed employee improperly washing hands. Washed gloves. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed employee improperly washing hands. Employee did not use hot water or wash for 20 seconds. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed employee eating in a food preparation or other restricted area. Corrected On Site.
Observed a nonfood-grade basting brush used in food.
Observed nonfood-grade containers used for food storage. Bulk cornstarch and bulk sugar.
Observed old labels stuck to food containers after cleaning.
Sanitize solution not clean. Corrected On Site.
Observed detergent and sanitizer mixed together improperly and used for wiping cloths.
Wiping cloth chlorine sanitizing solution not at proper minimum strength. Corrected On Site.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. Corrected On Site.
Clean glasses, cups, utensils, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner. Bowls on shelving above preparation table by stove.
Observed garbage can lid open.
Wall not smooth and easily cleanable behind three compartment sink.
Carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. Bulk Sugar
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. Bulk Flour
Critical - Potentially hazardous food not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Observed fried rice at 106 degrees Fahrenhiet. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food thawed in standing water.Shrimp. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Raw shrimp over cooked LoMein noodles in reach in cooler. Repeat Violation. 4/13/10.
Critical - Observed food stored on floor. Bucket of Soy sauce on the floor. Corrected On Site.
Observed nonfood-grade containers used for food storage. Garbage can for bulk rice, storage totes for raw foods, bulk sugar, bulk flour.
Nonfood-contact equipment exposed to splash/spillage not constructed of materials that are corrosion resistant, non-absorbent, smooth and easily cleanable. Observed bottom shelving in kitchen for food storage and potscand pans in disrepair. Surface peeling to non absorbant areas.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. Corrected On Site. Repeat Violation.4/13/10.
Critical - Observed buildup of slime in the interior of ice machine. Repeat Violation. 4/13/10.
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed encrusted, soiled material on grinder for cabbage and pans for cooking.
Observed build-up of grease and food debris on wire shelving racks for food storage. Kitchen.
Observed build-up of food debris, dust or dirt on food storage shelving, kitchen.
Observed build-up of food debris, dust or dirt on holder for can opener.
Unwrapped single-service utensils not presented so that only the handles are touched.
Floors not maintained smooth and durable.Observed broken and chipped tiles in kitchen.
Observed wall in disrepair, tiles missing above three compartment sink.
Observed dusty ceiling tiles and/or air conditioning vent covers.
Critical - Observed toxic item stored by cooking equipment; rice pots.Corrected On Site.
Critical - No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Expired with last 1-2 days. Must be corrected by next unannounced inspection. New Books on site.
Critical - Chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength for manual warewashing. Not using sanitizer. Corrected On Site.
In-use utensil not stored with handle above the top of potentially hazardous food and the container. Starch, sugar, and rice. In kitchen.
Critical - No cleaning agent provided in first compartment of sink. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed buildup of slime in the interior of ice machine.
Critical - Observed equipment and utensils not rinsed between washing and sanitizing. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed food stored on floor. Ribs and egg rolls in walkin freezer. Corrected On Site.
Observed in-use utensil stored in standing water less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Ladle in plastic bowl at prep table in kitchen . Corrected On Site.
Observed nonfood-grade containers used for food storage. Grocery bags in walkin freezer to store raw meats.
Critical - Observed toxic item stored in food preparation area. Mean green at prep area in kitchen. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage area. Sugar and starch in kitchen. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. Dumplings and pork in reachin cooler.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. Ribs, crab rangoo, and egg rolls in walkin freezer.
Wet mop not hung to dry.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. Corrected On Site.
In-use utensil not stored with handle above the top of potentially hazardous food and the container.
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.
Observed reuse of single-service articles.
Critical - No handwashing sign provided at a handsink in men's restroom used by food employees.
Critical - Observed improper use of bowl/plastic food container or other container with no handle used to dispense food that is not ready-to-eat.
Observed single-service trays stored on floor.
Critical - Observed uncovered rice in dry storage area.
Critical - Working containers of sugar, cornstarch, etc., removed from original container not identified by common name.Corrected On Site.