East Emerald Degrades its Sanitary Rating
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food-meat oover vegetables -glass cooler. Corrected On Site.
Observed residue build-up on nonfood-contact surface-walkin shelves.
No Violations Were Observed
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked-egg rools, ribs, sauces-walkin
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name-sauces in white buckets.
Critical - Observed food stored in a prohibited area-grocery bags in freezer
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage areachicken in walkkin freezer
Observed in-use utensil stored in standing water less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit-kitchen next to rice.
Critical - Observed employee experiencing persistent sneezing, coughing, runny nose, working with food, equipment and/or utensils.--Michelle
Can opener soiled with rust
Nonfood-contact equipment not designed and constructed in a durable manner-rusty shelves with cans
Nonfood-contact equipment not designed and constructed in a durable manner-walkin freezer floor rusted.
Critical - Observed soil buildup inside ice bin.
Observed build-up of grease on nonfood-contact surface-sides of fryer
Observed residue build-up on nonfood-contact surface.-waterheater
Observed food debris accumulated on kitchen floor-under flour next to ice machine
Observed wall soiled with accumulated food debris-behind flour
Observed wall soiled with accumulated food debris.-3-compartment sink area
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked-sauces.
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name-some sauces
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit-46-47 degrees ribs, chicken-walkin-opened frequently in settiing up.
Critical - Thermotape failed to turn black to indicate that the sanitization temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit was achieved on the dish surface. Repeat Violation.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets-True glass door-cookline and True 2-door-prep area
Critical - Outer openings of establishment cannot be properly sealed when not in operation-green door next to mens room. Repeat Violation.
Observed wall soiled with accumulated food debris-prep area.
Critical - Identity of food or food product misrepresented-crab throughout menu is imitation unless stated soft crab.
In-use utensil for nonpotentially hazardous food not stored in a clean, protected location.-rice/flour; keep straight up inside containers
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit-cooler at pre line.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit.-new unit at sushi bar
Critical - No handwashing sign provided at a handsink used by food employees- by rice containers.
Critical - Observed an open beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils.
Critical - Observed buildup of slime on soda dispensing nozzles.Repeat Violation.
Observed employee with no beard guard/restraint.-sushi man
Observed food debris accumulated on kitchen floor und3 rice/flour.
Critical - Observed food stored in a cans - Corrected On Site.
Observed grease/garbage on the ground and/or pad around grease receptacle.
Observed moldy ceiling tiles and/or air conditioning vent covers-kitchen.
Observed mop/service sink in disrepair.
Critical - Observed packages/bags of food in grocery bags, ribs in walkin cooler and walkin freezer
Critical - Observed screen in door torn/in poor repair-does not close tight.
Critical - Observed soil buildup inside ice bin next to rice/flour containers.
Critical - Observed toxic item stored by food-peanuts stored with wd40, 3 in 1 oil and tools on bottom shelf back of kitchen.
Observed unnecessary items on the premise.-cigarette buds, garbage
Critical - Outer openings of establishment cannot be properly sealed when not in operation-back door.
Critical - Potentially hazardous food held under time as a public health control without time marking indicating 4-hour limit.-sushi rice-explained procedure, must document
Critical - Thermotape failed to turn black to indicate that the sanitization temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit was achieved on the dish surface.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. Corrected On Site.
Carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured-xtra tanks not secured.
Critical - Covered waste receptacle not provided in women's bathroom.
Critical - Exit signs not properly illuminated. For reporting purposes only-back door.
Critical - Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions-kitchen.
In-use utensil for nonpotentially hazardous food not stored in a clean, protected location--ice scoop.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit--True unit in south corner by handsink.
Critical - Observed an open beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils--wait station in dining room.
Observed attached equipment soiled with accumulated dust-ladies room.
Observed ceiling soiled with accumulated food debris-above cookline and waterspots in kitchen-tiles can be cleaned and painted.
Critical - Observed loose partition and/or door for bathroom with more than 1 toilet facility-handicapped.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food thawed at room temperature.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food thawed in standing water.
Critical - Observed soil buildup inside ice bin.
Critical - Observed torn packages/bags of food exposing the contents to contamination-w.I. freezer., no grocery bags for storage.--food grade containers
Critical - Observed toxic item stored by food-kitchen, with spices on bottom shelf.
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage area--wic brussel sprout.
Shelves attached to walls in walk-ins not constructed of materials that are corrosion resistant, non-absorbent, smooth and easily cleanable. can be cleaned and painted.