El Sarten Caribbean Cuisine Degrades its Sanitary Rating
2451 W 68th St
Hialeah, FL 33016
Critical - Observed improper vertical separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods. Corrected On Site.
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Critical - Food-contact surfaces not cleaned between contact with different raw animal products. UTENSIL FOR APPLYING SAUCE TO FISH PUT BACK INTO CONTAINER CONTAINING SAUCE
Critical - No handwashing sign provided at a handsink used by food employees. FRONT COUNTER
Critical - Handwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory. FRONT COUNTER
Critical - Observed improper vertical separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods. RAW ANIMAL FOOD STORED OVER RTE
Critical - Observed bare hand contact of ready-to-eat food by employees and establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure in effect. EMPLOYEE CUTTING LETTUCE WITHOUT GLOVES.
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Critical - (A) FOOD shall be protected from cross contamination by: (1) Separating raw animal FOODs during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: (a) Raw READY-TO-EAT FOOD including other raw animal FOOD such as FISH for sushi or MOLLUSCAN SHELLFISH, or other raw READY-TO-EAT FOOD such as vegetables, and (b) Cooked READY-TO-EAT FOOD;
Critical - (A) FOOD shall be protected from cross contamination by: (1) Separating raw animal FOODs during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: (a) Raw READY-TO-EAT FOOD including other raw animal FOOD such as FISH for sushi or MOLLUSCAN SHELLFISH, or other raw READY-TO-EAT FOOD such as vegetables, and (b) Cooked READY-TO-EAT FOOD;
Critical - (A) FOOD shall be protected from cross contamination by: (4) storing the FOOD in PACKAGES, covered containers, or wrappings;
Cutting Surfaces. Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized, or discarded if they are not capable of being resurfaced.
(B) Cloths used for wiping FOOD spills shall be: (2) Wet and cleaned as specified under Paragraph 4-802.11(D), stored in a chemical sanitizer at a concentration specified in Section 4-501.114, and used for wiping spills from FOOD-CONTACT and nonFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT.
Critical - Violation: 08A-22-1Observed improper horizontal separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods.
Critical - Violation: 08A-23-1Observed improper vertical separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods.
Violation: 13-03-1Observed employee with no hair restraint.
Critical - Potentially hazardous food not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Corrected On Site.
Critical - No thermometer provided to measure temperature of food product.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food thawed in standing water.
Critical - Observed food stored in ice used for drinks.
Critical - Observed improper horizontal separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods.
Critical - Observed improper vertical separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods.
Observed employee with no hair restraint.
Critical - Observed equipment and utensils not washed, rinsed and sanitized in the correct order in three-compartment sink.
Critical - No chemical test kit provided when using chemical sanitizer at three-compartment sink/warewashing machine.
Plumbing system in disrepair. 3-COMP SINK
Critical - Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification. This violation must be corrected by : 3/18/2011.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit.
Critical - Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification.
Critical - No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro