Elo's Food Cafeteria Degrades its Sanitary Rating
4387 NW 7th St
Miami, FL 33126
Critical - Required consumer advisory for raw/undercooked animal food not provided.
Critical - Shell eggs held in a unit maintaining an ambient air temperature greater than 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit.ham,beef Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed torn packages/bags of food exposing the contents to contamination.
Critical - Observed raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit/during preparation.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food.
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Critical - No chemical test kit provided when using chemical sanitizer at three-compartment sink/warewashing machine.
Critical - Cold water not provided/shut off at employee handwash sink.
Critical - Hot water not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink.
Critical - Water pressure lacking at fixtures that require the use of water.
Critical - No handwashing sign provided at a handsink used by food employees.
Critical - Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions.
Critical - Handwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory.
Critical - Mobile food dispensing vehicle license number not permanently affixed on the side of the unit in figures at least 2 inches high and in contrasting colors from the background of the vehicle.
Critical - Establishment operating without a current Hotel and Restaurant license.checked with office and change of owner is in the process Corrected On Site.
Critical - Hotel and Restaurant license not properly displayed.current
No copy of latest inspection report.
Critical - Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification.
Critical - No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro
Critical - Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions.
Critical - Mobile food dispensing vehicle license number not permanently affixed on the side of the unit in figures at least 2 inches high and in contrasting colors from the background of the vehicle.
Critical - Observed interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets.
Critical - Required consumer advisory for raw/undercooked animal food not provided.