Jeidan Cafe Improves its Sanitary Rating
2692 Palm Ave
Hialeah, FL 33010
Critical - Violation: 05-08-1No thermometer provided to measure temperature of food product.
Critical - Violation: 08A-11-1Observed food stored in ice used for drinks.Corrected On Site.
Violation: 10-08-1Observed ice scoop with handle in contact with ice.
Violation: 13-03-1Observed employee with no hair restraint.
Violation: 14-37-1Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Violation: 14-50-1Observed a nonfood-grade basting brush used in food.
Critical - Violation: 17-09-1Lack of use of chemical test kit when using chemical sanitizer at three-compartment sink/warewashing machine.
Violation: 21-12-1Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Violation: 27-16-1Hot water not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Violation: 31-12-1Observed handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Violation: 32-16-1Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions.
Critical - Violation: 32-17-1Handwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory.
Critical - Violation: 50-08-1Establishment operating without a current Hotel and Restaurant license.NEW STABLISHMENT This violation must be corrected by : 04/23/2011.
Critical - Violation: 53A-01-2Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification.NEW STABLISHMENT This violation must be corrected by : 04/23/2011.
Critical - Violation: 53B-08-1No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro This violation must be corrected by : 04/23/2011.
Critical - No thermometer provided to measure temperature of food product.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit.
Critical - Observed food stored in ice used for drinks.Corrected On Site.
Observed ice scoop with handle in contact with ice.
Observed employee with no hair restraint.
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Observed a nonfood-grade basting brush used in food.
Critical - Lack of use of chemical test kit when using chemical sanitizer at three-compartment sink/warewashing machine.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Hot water not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions.
Critical - Handwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory.
Critical - Establishment operating without a current Hotel and Restaurant license.NEW STABLISHMENT This violation must be corrected by : 04/23/2011.
Critical - Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification.NEW STABLISHMENT This violation must be corrected by : 04/23/2011.
Critical - No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro This violation must be corrected by : 04/23/2011.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit.
Critical - Observed food stored in ice used for drinks. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit/during preparation.EGGS ON TOP OF FRIES
Observed employee with no hair restraint.
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Critical - Lack of use of chemical test kit when using chemical sanitizer at three-compartment sink/warewashing machine.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification.NEW OWNERSHIP
Critical - No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro NEW OWNERSHIP