La Boquita Improves its Sanitary Rating
1950 SW 8th St
Miami, FL 33134
Critical - No thermometer provided to measure temperature of food product.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit.
Critical - No proper chemical test kit provided for measuring the concentration of the sanitizer solution used for wiping cloths.
Critical - Handwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory.
No copy of latest inspection report.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit. most reach in cooler
In-use utensil for nonpotentially hazardous food not stored in a clean, protected location.
Critical - Observed employee improperly washing hands. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed food employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and the establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. Corrected On Site.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Observed buildup of soiled material on racks in the reach-in cooler.
Critical - Observed interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue. all coolers
Observed residue build-up on nonfood-contact surface. all walking cooler sheves
Critical - No handwashing sign provided at a handsink used by food employees. all sinks
Ten (10) foot-candles of light at least 30 inches from floor not provided in walk-in refrigeration unit.
No copy of latest inspection report.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit. most coolers
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food.
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage area. all reach in coolers
Critical - Single-use gloves not changed as needed after changing tasks or when damaged or soiled.
In-use utensil not stored on a clean portion of food preparation or cooking equipment.
Observed in-use utensil stored in unclean water at or above 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
Observed employee with no hair restraint.
Observed gaskets/seals on cold holding unit in poor repair. walking
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Clean wiping cloth not properly stored.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler shelves.all kitchen coolers
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets.all coolers
Critical - Observed interior of microwave soiled.
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.
Critical - Observed buildup of soiled material on racks in the reach-in cooler. all coolers
Critical - Observed food-contact surfaces encrusted with grease and/or soil deposits. hood
Critical - Observed interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue.
Observed build-up of food debris, dust or dirt on nonfood-contact surface. all kitchen equipment food debris
Clean glasses, cups, utensils, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner.
Critical - Hand sink missing in food preparation room or area. not working
Critical - No handwashing sign provided at a handsink used by food employees. all sinks
Critical - Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions. hand sink
Critical - Handwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory.
Observed grease accumulated under cooking equipment.
Observed wall soiled with accumulated food debris. kitchen area
Observed wall soiled with accumulated grease. kitchen
Critical - Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification. must have in 60 days new owner
Critical - No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro must have with in 60 days