Lester's Diner Ii Improves its Sanitary Rating
4701 Coconut Creek Pkwy
Margate, FL 33063
Critical - Nonexempt fish has not undergone proper parasite destruction. Fish must be served cooked or discarded. SALMON. NEED PROOF IT IS FARMRAISED WITH A "FEED LETTER."
Critical - Observed food being cooled by nonapproved method. COVERED IN PLASTIC CONTAINER IN WALK IN COOLER. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed improper horizontal separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods. RAW BEEF STORED NEXT TO AND IN CONTACT WITH CHEESE. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over cooked food. RAW SAUSAGE STORED ABOVE COOKED CHICKENS Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage area. BREAD IN WALK IN FREEZER. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed an open beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils. Corrected On Site.
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable. NOR H LINE.
Nonfood-contact equipment exposed to splash/spillage not constructed of materials that are corrosion resistant, non-absorbent, smooth and easily cleanable. SHELVES FOR CLEAN POT & PAN STORAGE.
Observed residue build-up on nonfood-contact surface. HANDLES OF LINE EQUIPMENT ENCRUSTED WITH DECOMPOSING FOOD RESIDUE.
Observed build-up of food debris, dust or dirt on nonfood-contact surface. MICROWAVE SHELF.
Observed single-service articles improperly stored. PIE TINS NOT INVERTED, Corrected On Site.
Floors not constructed easily cleanable. OBSERVED BARE CONCRETE FLOOR BY ICE MACHINES.
Observed wall soiled with accumulated grease. LINE WALL WITH ELECTRICAL BOXES.
Observed unnecessary items on the premise. BICYCLE IN KITCHEN.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. OBSERVED CONTAINER OF CHICKEN SALAD WITH THREE DIFFERENT PREPARATION DATES.
Critical - Observed food being cooled by nonapproved method. COOKED ONIONS IN 6" DEEP COVERED METAL CONTAINER AT ROOM TEMPERATURE: 87 degrees AFTER 1 1/2 HOURS; 86 degrees AFTER ADDITIONAL 30 MINUTES. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN.
Critical - Observed food being cooled by nonapproved method. COOKED MASHED POTATOS 89 degrees AFTER 1 1/4 HOURS IN AN 8 " DEEP COVERED METAL PAN IN WALK IN COOLER. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Observed an empty "sweet & low" packet inside a "clean"' coffee cup after going through dishmachine .
Critical - Observed food-contact surfaces encrusted with grease and/or soil deposits. ALL LINE REAH IN COOLER HANDLES.
Observed gaskets with slimy/mold-like build-up. ALL LINE REACH IN COOLERS.
Critical - Observed handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. UTENSIL STORAGE.
Observed grease/dirt accumulated on kitchen floor. BOTH WALK IN COOLERS AND WALK IN FREEZER.
Violation: 14-36-1Observed gaskets/seals on cold holding unit in poor repair, drawers on cookline.
Critical - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous food due to temperature abuse (see Stop Sale Notice).
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit, ham, turkey,cornbeef, tuna salad. All 50 degrees. Management volutarily discarded.Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit, butter, cream cheese and half and half. All 51 degrees. Corrected On Site. Management iced down.
Critical - Cold holding equipment incapable of maintaining potentially hazardous food at proper temperatures, reach in cooler drawers on cookline. This violation must be corrected by : 12/22/11.
Critical - Cold holding equipment incapable of maintaining potentially hazardous food at proper temperatures, reach in cooler at waitstation.This violation must be corrected by : 12/22/11.
Observed gaskets/seals on cold holding unit in poor repair, drawers on cookline.
Critical - Observed interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue, tall across from griddle.
Observed build-up of mold-like substance on surface of nonfood-contact surface, dripwell at waitstation.
Observed residue build-up on nonfood-contact surface, soap dispenser and faucet at handwashing sink.
Non-prewrapped utensils not properly presented, not stored in a manner that only handles are touched.
Critical - Observed processed ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening. EGG WHITES #1.
Critical - Observed processed ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening. EGG WHITES #2.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. BUTTER. CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. FISH OVER LETTUCE IN LINE REACH IN COOLER.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. SCALLOPS ABOVE FRIES IN REACH IN COOLER.
Critical - Observed food stored on floor. BREAD CRUMBS.
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage area. POTATOS IN WALK IN COOLER. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed uncovered food in holding unit/dry storage area. BREAD IN WALK IN FREEZER. Corrected On Site.
Observed in-use utensil stored in standing water less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
Shelves in walk-in not constructed of materials that are corrosion resistant, non-absorbent, smooth and easily cleanable. RUSTEDAND PITTED, REPLACE.
Critical - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. FLOOR SCRUBBER.
Observed unnecessary items on the premise. BICYCLE IN KITCHEN.
Critical - Observed processed ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening. MILK.
Critical - Shell eggs held in a unit maintaining an ambient air temperature greater than 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Critical - Cooked vegetables not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. BEANS. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Potentially hazardous food not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. SOUP. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. bRAW FISH ABOVE CONDIMENTS AND PREPED PRODUCE IN LINE REACH IN COOLER.
Critical - Observed food stored on floor. PANCAKE MIX IN WALK IN FREEZER.
Critical - Observed an open beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils.
Critical - Dishmachine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength. 10 ppm. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets. COOK LINE.
Critical - Cooked vegetables not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. POTATOS.
Critical - Observed buildup of slime in the interior of ice machine. LARGER ONE.
Critical - Observed improper use of bowl/plastic food container or other container with no handle used to dispense ready-to-eat food. PAIL IN ICEMACHINE BIN. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. RAW CHICKEN ABOVE SAUCES IN RIC ON COOK LINE. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. RAW EGGS STORED ABOVE MILK IN WALK IN COOLER Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit/during preparation. RAW SHRIMP and RAW CHICKEN SIDE BY SIDE IN LINE RIC. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets. COOK LINE.
Critical - Potentially hazardous food held under time as a public health control without time marking indicating 4-hour limit. GRILLED ONIONS and POTATOS ON COOK LINE.
Critical - Potentially hazardous food not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. GRILLED ONIONS.
Critical - Shell eggs held in a unit maintaining an ambient air temperature greater than 45 degrees Fahrenheit. POOLED EGGS. STOP SALE ISSUED.
Critical - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous food due to temperature abuse (see Stop Sale Notice). POOLED EGGS.
Critical - Vacuum breaker mising at hose bibb. REAR DOOR.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Observed an open beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils.
Critical - Observed buildup of soiled material on mixer head.
Critical - Observed dented/rusted cans. TOMATO SAUCE. STOP SALE ISSUED. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed encrusted, soiled material on slicer.
Critical - Observed food employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and the establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. LINE COOK.
Critical - Observed improper horizontal separation of raw animal foods and ready-to-eat foods. RAW EGGS ON SAME SHELF WITH CUT ONIONS and RTE POTATOS.
Critical - Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. RAW FISH STORED ABOVE RTE SAUCES IN WIC.
Observed residue build-up on nonfood-contact surface. SHELVES IN WIC.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets.
Observed unnecessary items on the premise. BIKE IN KIT.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. COOKED FOOD and SAUCES.
Shelves in walk-ins not constructed of materials that are corrosion resistant, non-absorbent, smooth and easily cleanable. RUSTED and PITTED, REPLACE.
Critical - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous food due to temperature abuse (see Stop Sale Notice). BRISKET.