Olga Gachette Degrades its Sanitary Rating
6820 NE 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33138
Critical - Covered waste receptacle not provided in women's bathroom.
Critical - No handwashing sign provided at a handsink used by food employees.
Critical - Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions.
Lights missing the proper shield, sleeve coatings or covers.
Critical - Establishment operating without a current Hotel and Restaurant license.
Critical - Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification.
Critical - No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro
No Violations Were Observed
Critical - Violation: 05-09-1No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit. reach in units.
Critical - Violation: 16-13-1Observed equipment and utensils not washed, rinsed and sanitized in the correct order in three-compartment sink.
Violation: 21-12-1Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Violation: 22-28-1Observed interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue.
Critical - Violation: 53A-01-2Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification.
Critical - Observed food contaminated by unsanitized equipment. food stored in roach infested reach in units.
Critical - Observed roach activity as evidenced by live roaches found. 25 live roaches inside the storage room approximately 5 feet from the kitchen . 10 live roaches inside a reach in cooler unit in the kitchen . 8 live roaches inside another reach in cooler unit in the kitchen and 3 live roaches in the dining room area.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. food containers in reach in units.
Critical - No conspicuously located thermometer in holding unit. reach in units.
Critical - Observed food stored on floor. vegetables stored on the floor.
Critical - Observed employee engage in food preparation, handle clean equipment or utensils, or touch unwrapped single-service items, without washing hands. blocked handwashing sink.
Critical - Observed employee dry hands on clothes/apron after washing.
Critical - Observed equipment and utensils not washed, rinsed and sanitized in the correct order in three-compartment sink.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Observed interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue.
Clean glasses, cups, utensils, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner.
Observed clean equipment stored on floor. clean pots and pans stored on the floor in the storageroom .
Plumbing system in disrepair. leaking pipe under handwashing sink.
Critical - Observed handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. washing dishes.
Critical - Hand wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions. handwashing sink in kitchen .
Hood not cleaned to bare metal prior to surfaces becoming heavily contaminated with grease or oily sludge. For reporting purposes only.
Critical - Manager lacking proof of Food Manager Certification.
Critical - No proof of required employee training provided. All public food service establishments must provide the division with proof of employee training upon request, including, but not limited to, at the time of any division inspection of the establishment. Pro