Pizza Wings N Things Improves its Sanitary Rating
1220 NW 54th St
Miami, FL 33142
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Critical - Potentially hazardous food not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above.
Hood filters not equipped with a drip tray. For reporting purposes only.
Observed exhaust system operated with filters removed. For reporting purposes only.
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.
Critical - Violation: 05-03-1Stem type thermometer not within the intended measuring range of use.
Violation: 15-25-2Hood filters not equipped with a drip tray. For reporting purposes only.
Violation: 15-26-2Observed exhaust system without filters . For reporting purposes only.
Critical - Violation: 16-04-1No drainboards or equivalent provided for soiled items and/or air drying cleaned items.
Critical - Violation: 17-07-1No chemical test kit provided when using chemical sanitizer at three-compartment sink/warewashing machine.
Violation: 24-05-1Clean glasses, cups, utensils, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner.
Critical - Violation: 32-04-1Bathroom not enclosed with tight-fitting, self-closing doors.