Roberts Rest Improves its Sanitary Rating
1320 Stirling Rd
Dania Beach, FL 33004
No Violations Were Observed
Basic - Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried - wet nesting. Clear containers and lids stacked over each other, removed and placed single file, **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. On cookline, removed, **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
Basic - Wiping cloth chlorine sanitizing solution not at proper minimum strength. 200 pm chlorine sanitizer bucket, remade 100 ppm. **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before changing gloves and/or putting on gloves to work with food. Waitress was told of then washed, **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Pancake batter 74° on counter, added ice, **Corrective Action Taken**
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over or with ready-to-eat food in reach-in freezer - not all products commercially packaged. Raw fish over vegetables in True freezer.
Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use due to items stored in the sink. Rinsing a container, was told then removed, **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
Intermediate - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cooled in quantity deeper than 4 inches. Soup in tall plastic containers, moved to mental long containers in Walkin cooler.
Intermediate - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food covered while cooling. 93° cooling cut potatoes covered, removed cover and placed in freezer to drop temperature.: made at 8 am, now 9:30 am, 69° 10 am.
No Violations Were Observed
Basic - Build-up of grease on nonfood-contact surface inside ovens. **Warning**
Basic - Clean pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner in kitchen. **Warning**
Basic - Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses, on front counter. **Warning**
High Priority - Cooked meat/poultry cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Fliptop 46° eggwhites, coleslaw 44°, egg salad 43°, 45° tuna salad, moved to freezer for to drop temperatures, **Corrective Action Taken** **Warning**
High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. 6 drawer under 54° raw burger, raw chicken 51°, hotdogs 47°, 48° raw pork chop, 48° raw sausage excess opening, place raw in freezer to drop temperatures. **Corrective Action Taken** **Warning**
Intermediate - Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine. White tray inside. Cleaned, **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Holding sanitize bucket inside. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
Basic - Food stored in a location that is exposed to splash/dust. In front line hand wash sink too close to prep table while preparing hash browns exposed to splash .advised manager to either install splash guard or prep food away from hand wash sink
Basic - Food stored on floor. In prep area container with cooked potatoes .placed on top of prep table **Corrected On-Site**
Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Employee filling bucket with water from hand wash sink in prep area .advised employee and manager hand wash sink only for hand washing **Corrective Action Taken**
Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. Under 3 compartment sink yellow and green cleaners .properly labeled **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
Basic - Equipment in poor repair. In cook line 6 drawers reach in cooler found in temperature range of 65°-70° . Do not use until able to maintain 41°f or below . Owner placed unit out of order and called in service request
Basic - Food stored on floor. In prep area container with chicken soup .placed on top of prep table **Corrected On-Site**
Basic - Interior of microwave soiled with encrusted food debris. In cook line
Basic - Stored food not covered in walk-in cooler. Meatloaf. Covered **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - All potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) foods in drawers at cook line cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. In cook line in unit not able to maintain 41°f or below found ham,corned beef hash,pork sausage ,hot dogs in 65°f . See stop sale . Per manager stored In unit over night
High Priority - Employee handled soiled equipment or utensils and then engaged in food preparation, handled clean equipment or utensils, or touched unwrapped single-service items without washing hands. Dishwasher. Advised owner who advised employee to wash hands properly between tasks **Corrective Action Taken** **Repeat Violation**
High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Found butter in 68°f under no temperature control throughout dining tables . Per manager put out at 6am , items marked with 4 hours time frame must be discarded at 10 am . Emailed owner time as public health control to utilize for next time
High Priority - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. See stop sale
Intermediate - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. In walk in cooler meatloaf . Immediately date marked **Corrected On-Site**
No Violations Were Observed
Basic - Clean knives/utensils stored in crevices between equipment. In cook line between steam table and prep table **Warning**
Basic - Employee beverage container in a food preparation/clean dishware area does not have a lid and a straw or equivalent dispensing mechanism to prevent hand contact with lip contact area of drink container. Employee drinking tea in prep area without a lid **Warning**
Basic - Employee drinking from an open beverage container in a food preparation or other restricted area. Employee drinking tea in prep area **Warning**
Basic - Food stored in a location that is exposed to splash/dust. In front line slicer next to hand wash sink **Warning**
Basic - Food stored on floor. In prep area containers with chicken soup. Food containers should be stored 6' off the floor on a clean surface **Warning**
Basic - Leaking pipe at plumbing fixture. Under dish machine **Warning**
High Priority - Dishwasher handled soiled dishes or utensils and then handled clean dishes or utensils without washing hands. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before putting on new set of gloves to work with food. **Warning**
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. In 3 doors flip top reach in cooler in cook line raw shell eggs over cold cuts .corrective action taken switched immediately by kitchen employee . In 3 doors flip top reach in cooler in cook line raw beef hamburger over cold cuts . Corrective action taken immediately switched by kitchen employees **Warning**
Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. In prep area used as prep sink storing inside container with cooked pasta. Hand wash sink use only to wash hands. **Warning**
Intermediate - No currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at Observed 6 kitchen employees **Warning**
Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. In front line **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR's contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning**
No Violations Were Observed
Basic - Bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food. In cook line reach in cooler using plate to scoop hash browns **Warning**
Basic - Case/container/bag of food stored on floor in kitchen. Employee placed bucket with turkey on kitchen floor while prepping food **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
Basic - Food stored on floor. Next to dish area case with potatoes on the floor **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
Basic - Uncovered food stored near sink exposed to splash. Hand sink too close to 3 compartment sink when food is been prepped . Scooping beef chili next to hand sink with no proper protection And in cook line hand wash sink next to BUFFELO chopper **Warning**
High Priority - Container of medicine improperly stored. ADVIL on top of prep table where food is been prepped **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
High Priority - Dishwasher handled soiled dishes or utensils and then handled clean dishes or utensils without washing hands. Advised dishwasher for proper hand-washing **Warning**
High Priority - Employee touched face/hair and then engaged in food preparation, handled clean equipment or utensils, or touched unwrapped single-service items without washing hands. Advised manager to wash hands and switch gloves before returning to work **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. In walk in cooler raw shell eggs over dressings and Swiss cheese **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. In cook line blocked by food container and food cans **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Used as prep sink next to dish area . Stored container with chili beans inside. Advised manager to use appropriate prep sink **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
Intermediate - No chlorine chemical test kit provided when using chlorine sanitizer at three-compartment sink/warewashing machine. For dish machine **Warning**
Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR's contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning**
Intermediate - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. In walk in cooler cooked meatballs and chicken soup **Warning**
Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. Yellow and orange cleaner above 3 compartment sink **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
Basic - Interior of microwave soiled with encrusted food debris. In cook line **Corrected On-Site**
High Priority - Dishwasher handled soiled dishes or utensils and then handled clean dishes or utensils without washing hands. **Repeat Violation**
High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before putting on new set of gloves to work with food. Prep person
High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from one another based upon minimum required cooking temperature in walk-in cooler. Raw shell eggs over steak **Corrected On-Site**
Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. In prep area using hand sink as prep sink storing raw chicken inside ,owner took raw chicken and placed in walk in cooler **Corrected On-Site**
Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. In prep area purple and orange cleaners
Basic - Employee beverage container in a food preparation/clean dishware area does not have a lid and a straw or equivalent dispensing mechanism to prevent hand contact with lip contact area of drink container. Soda cup in cook line
Basic - Employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils. Soda can in cook line
Basic - Employee drinking from an open beverage container in a food preparation or other restricted area. Soda cup in cook line
Basic - Employee eating in a food preparation or other restricted area. Server eating in dry storage area
Basic - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food thawed at room temperature. In prep sink roast beef
High Priority - Butter/butter blend/clarified butter/whipped butter cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. In front line individual butter cups in 75°f ,under no temperature control item marked with 4 hours time frame must be discarded in 12 am
High Priority - Dishwasher handled soiled dishes or utensils and then handled clean dishes or utensils without washing hands.
High Priority - Employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands - food was not being heated as a sole ingredient to 145 degrees F or immediately added to other ingredients to be cooked/heated to the minimum required temperature to allow bare hand contact. Establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. In front line servers touching bread toast with bare hands
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food in walk-in cooler. Raw meat over cooked deli ham **Corrected On-Site**
Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. In prep area roast beef stored inside
High Priority - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. Raw poultry,raw beef in cold hold unit in 55°-60°,unit not maintaing proper temperature
High Priority - Raw meat/poultry cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. In 55°-60° in cold hold unit in front line
High Priority - Cooked rice/pasta cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooked pasta over 24 hours in 65°,see stop sale
High Priority - Raw fish cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. In 59° in front line cold hold unit
Intermediate - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food covered while cooling.pasta in walk in cooler in big plastic buckets covered
High Priority - Raw animal food not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Raw ground beef over cooked deli ham in walk in cooler
High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food in cold holding drawers. Raw chicken and raw beef over cooked potatoes
Basic - Food stored in a location that is exposed to splash/dust. Hand wash sink to close to prep table
High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before putting on gloves to work with food.
Basic - Bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food.scooping cooked potatoes with a plate Scooping ice with a cup
Basic - Equipment in poor repair.cold hold unit in main line reading 56°-60°
Basic - Standing water in three-compartment hand wash sink draining very slowly.
Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Storing utensils inside Filling sanitizer water in buckets in server station
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. raw eggs in kitchen in an open fliptop cooler at 44 degress ,cook advised gonna cook the eggs to 165 degress and serve it within 1 hour.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. raw chicken,raw beef,raw turkey at 52 degress in reach in cooler under flat grill ,cook advised gonna fully cooked each item to right temperature .over stacked unit. Repeat Violation.
Critical - Potentially hazardous food not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. breakfast sausage in kitchen under steam table at 128 degress ,must be discarded within 4 hours .
Critical - Observed food stored on floor. in kitchen pot with cooked carrots on the floor.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets. reach in cooler in kitchen .
Critical - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. in kitchen blocked by container with utensils .
Observed food debris accumulated on kitchen floor.
Observed personal care item stored with food. cellphone in kitchen on spices shelve.
Critical - Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. raw hamburger ,raw chicken at 46 degress in cookline under flatt grill ,chef adviced that he gonne cooke all the food within 2 hours.
In-use utensil not stored with handle above the top of potentially hazardous food and the container. sugar container used bucket in dry storage area.
Critical - Observed a designated employee eating/drinking/smoking area located in a food preparation or other restricted area. in cookline over eggs in fliptop cooler .
Critical - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. blocked by carrots container .
Critical - No handwashing sign provided at a handsink used by food employees. in dishmachine area .
No copy of latest inspection report.
Critical - Required consumer advisory for raw/undercooked animal food not provided.
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. sugar in stockroom
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. seasoning in stockroom
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets.
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.
Observed build-up of grease on nonfood-contact surface. fryers
Critical - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times.
Critical - Observed handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. storing sanitize bucket Corrected On Site.
Observed food debris accumulated on kitchen floor.
Observed personal care item stored with food. employee clothes in stockroom
Wet mop not hung to dry.
Carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. sauces in walk in cooler
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. sugar in kitchen
Critical - Observed evidence of employee smoking in food preparation or other non-designated area. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets.
Observed single-service items stored on floor; spork in stockroom
Observed personal care item stored with food. cigarette and cellular phone on foods preparation table Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed shell eggs in use or stored with cracks or broken shells. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed shell eggs that are not clean. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. sauces in walk in cooler
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.
Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried. foods bucket
Observed single-service items stored on floor. cups in stockroom
Critical - Displayed food not properly protected from contamination. employee jacket on sandwiches buns Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed employee drinking from an open beverage container in a food preparation or other restricted area. male employee Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed objectionable odors coming from inside the back of store.
Critical - Observed live flies in the back of store.
Observed personal care item stored with food. employee jacket
Critical - Observed food stored on floor. onion in walk-in-cooler
In-use utensil in nonpotentially hazardous food not stored with handle above top of food within a closed container. sugar in stockroom Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed food employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and the establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. Repeat Violation. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed employee drinking from an open beverage container in a food preparation or other restricted area. Corrected On Site.
Observed utensils stored in crevices between equipment. knifes in kitchen
Observed food debris accumulated on kitchen floor.
Wet mop not hung to dry.
Critical - Ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on site and held more than 24 hours with not properly date marked. meats , sauces in wic
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.
Wet mop not hung to dry.
Light not functioning.under hood
Critical - Observed encrusted, soiled material on slicer.
Critical - Observed improper use of bowl/plastic food container or other container with no handle used to dispense ready-to-eat food.plate used for hash browns
Critical - Observed interior of microwave soiled.
Critical - Observed processed ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening.
Critical - Observed soil buildup inside ice bin.
Critical - Observed soiled reach-in cooler gaskets.back bottom cooler
Critical - Observed toxic item stored by food.syrup with spray chemicals
Critical - Outer openings not protected with self-closing doors.back door
Wet mop not hung to dry.
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name.incorrect label
Observed build-up of grease on nonfood-contact surface.broiler
Observed cutting board grooved/pitted and no longer cleanable.
Critical - Observed encrusted material on can opener.
Observed food debris accumulated on kitchen floor.
Critical - Observed soil buildup inside ice bin.
Critical - Observed torn packages/bags of food exposing the contents to contamination. Corrected On Site.
Critical - Observed unwashed water bottle stored with other ready-to-eat food. Corrected On Site.
Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses.
Critical - Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. Corrected On Site.